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Ayrshire Business Women (ABW)


Ayrshire Business Women (ABW) is an affiliate member organisation of the Association of Scottish Business Women.

Founded in 1994, ABW is run by a committee of dedicated volunteers. 


As professional women, we actively support the development of women in business and share ideas, successes, challenges and opportunities between our members.


Over the last year we held extremely successful member events, with interesting speakers, lots of networking and fundraising for our chosen charity of the year. We held daytime and evening events to cater for our members diverse business demands in all local council areas of East, North and South Ayrshire.


The Committee Members appointed at the AGM in 2024 are set to engage members old and new with a variety of new networking opportunities and are excited to be celebrating the 30th anniversary of Ayrshire Business Women this year.


Any professional woman in business currently working in Ayrshire, either running their own business or as an employee, can join the ABW at a discounted rate of only £35.00 which will be valid until the 1st March 2025.


The President of Ayrshire Business Women, Lisa Nairn said “In 2024, the ABW Committee is looking forward to providing informative sessions and engaging networking opportunities to current and new members in the local area. We are looking forward to connecting with members, hearing about their businesses, and encouraging peer support from each other throughout the year ahead, helping our members thrive and get the most from their ABW membership.”


For further information email president@abw.org.uk or join as a member here 




Integrity                   Professionalism                   Trust                       Empowerment 


60 members

Our membership includes sole traders, small to medium business owners and employees of large corporations.

Joinn ABW today
30th Anniversary Celebration Lunch Success

30th Anniversary Celebration Lunch Success

Ayrshire Cancer Support is your chosen charity in 2024

Ayrshire Cancer Support is your chosen charity in 2024

Thank you to everyone who enjoyed the session on social media with Jane Mack

Thank you to everyone who enjoyed the session on social media with Jane Mack

LinkedIn with Jane Mack at Marine Hotel Troon
Thank you to everyone who attended the member event at HALO

Thank you to everyone who attended the member event at HALO

ABW Virtual Coffee Meet Up with Julie McCann

ABW Virtual Coffee Meet Up with Julie McCann

11/12/24 (12.00pm - 1.00pm)