Congratulations ASB Award Winners!

Congratulations ASB Award Winners!

The Association of Scottish Businesswomen (ASB) held their annual National Business Awards night at the Grand Central Hotel in Glasgow last week.

Four of ABW's members were announced as winners and a great night was had by all!  Huge congratulations to all winners and indeed finalists...Ayrshire was certainly well represented on the night and the support of everyone who attended was overwhelming and massively appreciated.

Our members won in the following categories (from left to right):

  • Break the Silence (Alison Tait) - Best Performing Team of the Year
  • Linda Hill Miller, LAH Travel - Recognition of Outstanding Contribution
  • Heather Ashley, Heather Ashley Health & Fitness - Most Innovative Start-up of the Year
  • Melanie Blane, White Rabbit Skincare - Young Inspiring Businesswoman of the Year


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