New Committee Members Elected for 2022!

New Committee Members Elected for 2022!

Ayrshire Business Women held their Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 22nd January at the Park Hotel in Kilmarnock.

There was a fantastic turnout with 35 members and special guests joining the first Live in-person Event for the group in 2022.

Depute Provost, Cllr Sally Cogley from East Ayrshire Council was present - along with the Depute Provost from South Ayrshire Council, Cllr William Grant.

Tamara Campbell, the ABW President for 2021 has retired, and joined the Association of Scottish Business Women as their 2022 Secretary!

An all-new ABW Committee were inducted with Shellie Brennan from Rule 42 Clothing Boutique assuming her role as ABW President for 2022.

The new Committee Members appointed are as follows:

Vice President - Mary McClung, Mary McClung Coaching

Secretary - Victoria Frater, Valkyrie VA

Treasurer - Pamela Dillon, Dillon Bookkeeping

Ambassador - Margarette Bryan

It was decided by the Members that the ABW would continue to offer a reduced joining fee of only £25.00 for the twelve-month period,  1st April 2022 to 31st March 2023.

For further information email or join as a Member at

Thank you to everyone who attended the 28th Annual General Meeting for Ayrshire Business Women!


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