New Committee Members Elected for 2021!

New Committee Members Elected for 2021!

Arshire Business Women held their Annual General Meeting on Thursday 18th February 2021 via Zoom.

There was a fantastic turnout with 30 members and special guests joining the live Virtual Event, which was also recorded for those unable to attend.

Depute Provost, Claire Leitch from East Ayrshire Council was present, and a new Committee were inducted with Tamara Campbell from SPIN ADMIN in Kilmarnock assuming the role of President for the next year.

The remaining Committee Members appointed are as follows:

Vice President and Treasurer – Gayle Wilson, MYVO Ltd

Secretary – Jane Mack, Arran Social Media

Blogger - Victoria Frater, Valkyrie VA

It was decided by the Members that the ABW would offer a reduced joining fee of only £25.00 for the twelve-month period,  1st April 2021 to 31st March 2022.

All meetings and events for the foreseeable future will be held via Zoom, and many new members have taken advantage of the FREE TRIAL PERIOD that is now being offered to join the group before 31 March 2021.

The ABW President, Tamara Campbell said “The primary goal for the new 2021 ABW Committee is to increase the networking opportunities available to local Business Women, - whilst also raising the profile of the group and promoting the Member Businesses – both internally and externally throughout Ayrshire.”

Their tagline for 2021 is #NewYear #NewWomen #NewBusiness

For further information email or join as a Member at

Thank you everyone for coming and we look forward to assisting you this year!

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